Hello, I 'm Rohit Kesharwani



Hey, dear reader!! Together, let's make this process interactive and playful. Allow me to share some fascinating aspects about myself & get ready to embark on this exciting journey with me!!

Web Development, Data Science, AI & ML.

  • Birthday:February 2004
  • Phone:+91 7898433441
  • City:Bilaspur, India
  • Age:19
  • Degree:B Tech Pharmaceutical IIT(BHU)'26
  • E-mail:rohit.kesharwani.phe22@iitbhu.ac.in

That was a quick personal intro & now, let's delve into my past and explore my journey so far. In my past, I had an early introduction to coding during my 7th grade. It all began with C, and with the guidance of my elder brother, I ventured into PHP. During this time, I undertook various projects such as creating a love prank meter and even attempting to clone Facebook. Alongside these endeavors, I also explored HTML, CSS, MySQL and Bootstrap.

As time went on, I transitioned to my beloved programming language, Python. I continued to work with Python and utilized it to develop a small website that provided students with sample question papers and solutions, customizing them based on user requirements within a mere 10 seconds. Eager to delve further into web development, I delved into Django and applied its functionalities to my projects.

In addition, my passion for technology has driven me to eagerly delve into emerging fields like Data Science, AI & ML, albeit as a beginner. Apart from that, I have a diverse range of interests and talents, I find joy in being a multi-faceted individual—passionate Coder, lead guitarist, Photographer, avid Nature Lover and enthusiastic about both Health and Business endeavors.


To know about my skills: I'm a passionate guitar player specializing in romantic songs. I also have a keen interest in photography, capturing nature, self-portraits, and combinations of both. Additionally, my strong communication skills allow me to excel in anchoring and addressing formal/casual gatherings. Lastly, please refer to the diagram below to gauge my coding-related skills, as percentage-wise assessed by my own evaluation
